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How much sunlight ?

Full sun means that the location receives 8 or more hours of direct sunlight.




Part sun or part shade means that the location receives 4-6 hours of sunlight. This would be a location where the plants would be shaded by larger trees or structures but allows little bits of light through. 



Full shade means that the location receives less than 4 hours of  sun. This means that location gets a bit of light in the morning or evening but is in the shade for the afternoon which is the hottest part of the day




You want to make a flower bed but not sure what you need to do to the soil.

Most plants like a 3-4 " organic matter mixed in the existing soil.  

What kind of organic matter will depend on what your existing soil is like. 

Compacted Soil

If your soil is compacted you can add a number of things to help loosen it up and grow something beautiful.

- Peat Moss

- Compost

- Manure

Soil high in clay

If your soil is high in clay and you would rather grow plants then make pots there are a couple of different things you can add to your soil to help.



When to Water

It is fairly easy to figure out when you need to water your plants outside but your indoor plants are a bit trickier.

The best way to figure out if your indoor plant needs water is to test the soil with your finger. If you put your finger in the soil and it comes out with soil on it or it feels moist then the plant does not need any water. If you put your finger in the pot and it comes out clean then your plant needs water.

How much water?

Make sure your plant will not be sitting in water after you water it such as having drainage holes in the bottom of the pot or by placing pebbles or broken pieces of clay in the bottom of the pot before you plant your indoor specimen in the non draining pot. This will ensure that the roots of your plant are not sitting in the water which can cause root rot. Then water your plant thoroughly with tepid or room temperature water. Plants do not like cold water nor do they like hot water.

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